
Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

Sexual Diversity as Reflected on TV Series Characters

In this occasion, I wanna talk about sexual diversity, which nowadays being a hot news after the case of Why Puberty? comic. So, what is sexual diversity? Here, I found some definitions from the websites. First thing first, lemme clarify that sexual diversity come from two words they are ‘sexual’ and ‘diversity’. Sexual or sexuality is about sexual feelings (who we are emotionally and sexually attracted to[1].) It’s clear enough that sexuality is about love and lust. Second, diversity encompasses acceptance and respect, it means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, ages, physical abilities, religious beliefs, or other ideologies[2]. From both definitions, here I concluded that sexual diversity is about acceptance and also respect to the differences of sexuality which is do exist in our life.
Sexual diversity means that everyone has different understandings about what sexuality means to them. Sexuality can mean that you are attracted to someone of the opposite gender (straight), the same gender (gay or lesbian) or both genders (bisexual)—there is no wrong, right or ‘normal’ sexuality[3].
The term ‘sexual diversity’ includes diversity of sexual orientation, diversity of sexual identity, and diversity of sexual behavior[4]. To make clear the terms I mentioned before, here I give explanation of them; sexual orientation is who a person is sexually attracted to. Sexual identity is how a person identifies with their sexual orientation. Sexual behavior is how we express our sexual feelings[5].
Well, in this case I focused on the sexual diversity which reflected on TV series characters (teenage TV series) and it will talk about the LGBT characters. I found two TV series that of course I watched; they are Glee and Hormones the Series. I think it’s fair enough because  talked about the TV series which came from the western country and eastern country.
In Glee, we can found some LGBT characters such as Kurt Hummel, Blaine Andersen, Santana Lopez, Brittany S. Pierce, and Rachel Berry’s gay dads. In Hormones the series we can found LGBT characters they are Phu and Thee.
In Glee, Kurt and Blaine is a couple or it also called Klaine to refer their relationship. Kurt is an open gay, he was bullied at the school because he is gay. But, his friends in glee club give acceptance and respect to both of them. This couple also has a long last relationship.
Kurt and Blaine

Santana and Brittany  or called Brittana or Santittany for their relationship. Both are bestfriend and they joined the cheerleader team at the school. Ok, first when I watched this series I didn’t realize that Santana and Brittany are lesbians, because both of them have sexual relationship with boys, or maybe they are bisexual or just still in closet. Their relationship is not last for a long time, they broke up.
Santana and Brittany

Rachel Berry’s dads, yes Rachel has two dads and they are gay. They were success in raising up Rachel.
Rachel and her dads

In Hormones the series, Phu is Toei’s ex, so he was in relationship with a girl.  But, he also has  a relationship with his bestfriend Thee. Phu has a doubt in his sexuality he is not sure if he is a gay or a straight. Maybe he is bisexual.
Phu and Thee

In conclusion, life is so colorful and we have to respect the diversity. We also can learn from the TV series, how we should react to the sexual diversity.

[1] www.student.uwa.edu.au/life/health
[2] Gladstone.uoreson.edu
[3] www.snakecondoms.org.au/sex-stuff/sexual-diversity
[4] health.tki.org/nz
[5] www.student.uwa.edu.au/life/health

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